The warm weather is here for a while and the foliage is as green and abundant as can be. All around us are these amazing and diverse shapes shadings us from the harsh UV rays cascading down upon us. I have decided for my next series of projects to give people a little poke conveyed through the medium of the leaf.
I gathered the kids and told them the idea of writing messages in leaves and dropping them in areas around town to see what kind of reaction we could get out of people. They loved it and once we started down the road of making the message a little scary or looming they were beaming with the idea that we might be able to freak someone out with a leaf.
We started our search for large leaves that would give us enough room to laser out a few words each. We ended up with some grape leaves and some catalpa leaves which both proved to work very well after some testing. I found out that the leaves reacted very diversely depending on the speed and temperature at which the laser was set to cut.
The message we wanted to get across was that something in nature was not happy or that it was on the verge of fighting back. Small ominous messages that said something was on the horizon. We even did one that just had a series of geometric shapes that looked like it was some form of hieroglyphic.
This series of projects has been the most successful as of yet for eliciting response. These projects took place all over town and the greenbelt. I would try to find a place that had a decent amount of traffic and we would set out a leaf set back and try to blend with the background while we watched reactions. The kids had a very hard time containing themselves while we watched people come along each placement.
It seemed that kids were more likely to notice the leaf then an adult however we did get plenty of reactions from the older folks. Children would point them out to the adult and then they would bend down for further inspection. Some people would pick them up looking puzzled others would react much more excitedly. One family on the green belt almost caused a pile up as the father pulling a trailer with his wife and four other kids following closely behind slammed on his brakes upon site of the leaf. Everyone had to do what they could not to crash in the back of dad while he picked up the leaf. After a few minutes of excited discussion they put the leaf in their back pack and rode away.
Downtown placements were also popular. We would put the leaf near some sort of point of interest and wait to see who was observing their surroundings. This is where I got the best reaction to the project so far. After finding the leaf someone decided to take the time and make a message out of it for others to see. This person took one of the leaves that had the message time is up and attached it to the crosswalk sign at an intersection. It was great to see it up there with the message while the time counted down for the crosswalk.
This project had multiple messages spread over ten locations. If I have time we will do another series with a new theme before the project is complete.